Set Symbols

$\{\,...\,\}$Set$A = \{3,7,9\}$
$B = \{2,3,9\}$
$\emptyset$empty Set$\emptyset = \{\,\}$
$\{x\, \vert \cdots\}$Set of all $x$
with ...
$\{x\,\vert\,x$ is a prime number$\}$
$\in$(is) element of$7 \in A$
$\notin$(is) not element of$7 \notin B$
in $A$ and in $B$
$A \cap B = \{3,9\}$
in $A$ or in $B$
$A \cup B = \{2,3,7,9\}$
in $A$ and not in $B$
$A \setminus B = \{7\}$
$\subset$(is) subset of$A \subset (A \cup B)$
$\not\subset$(is) not subset of$A \not\subset (A \cap B)$
$\supset$(is) superset of$(A \cup B) \supset A$
$\not\supset$(is) not superset of$(A \cap B) \not\supset A$

Logic Symbols

$\land$and$A \cap B :=$
$\{x\,\vert\,x \in A \,\land\, x \in B\}$
$\lor$or$A \cup B :=$
$\{x\,\vert\,x \in A \,\lor\, x \in B\}$
$\veebar$exclusive or$A \triangle B :=$
$\{x\,\vert\,x \in A \,\veebar\, x \in B\}$
$\lnot$not$\lnot(x \in A) \iff x \notin A$
$\Longrightarrow$if ... then$x \in A \cap B \Longrightarrow x \in A$
$\forall$for all; every$\forall x \in A : x \in A \cup B$
$\exist$there exists; for some$\exists x \in A : x \in A \cap B$
$\exist!$there exists exactly one$\exists! x \in A : x \in A \setminus B$
$\nexists$there exists no; for no$\nexists x \in A : x \in B \setminus A$